Aldgate Village Well

54 Strathalbyn Rd,

Aldgate SA 5154

Phone: (08) 8339 6286

As we slowly return to being together, we discover there is much to share with each other.  Stories, anecdotes, lessons, movement of faith, wonders of God.  We converse with one another as a continuing practice of speaking, hearing and listening.  Verity and Anthony offer this same expression of conversation as they reflect on the passages for this Sunday.  They continue with the questions offered by Dr Aaron Chalmers;

What does this passage reveal to us about God?  His nature, his purposes, his will for humanity?

What does this passage reveal to us about the nature and vocation of the people of God?

What does this passage reveal that might shape me as an individual follower of Jesus?

May you continue the conversation . . .

Click the link below to join us for our service, premiering at 8am, Saturday 27th of June