Aldgate Village Well

54 Strathalbyn Rd,

Aldgate SA 5154

Phone: (08) 8339 6286

The Aldgate Church of Christ meet together each Sunday from 10am for worship, prayer and communion.  A warm group of people who will make you feel welcome.  Morning Tea is served in the cafe area after the service (approx 11.15am) with good coffee and home made treats on offer.  A great time to connect.


As a faith community we believe Jesus is the Living Water available for everyone. (John 4:14) We offer ourselves to others who are in search of the Living Water. We strive to be a village well, a place of gathering and community and common purpose. Everyone needs the Living Water and we are all enriched whenever we share in it together.

"So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to- work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." (Romans 12:1-2)

To listen to podcasts of recent sermons click here.


Aldgate Church of Christ Inc is part of Churches of Christ in SA/NT and Nationally.  Click on preferred site for the bigger picture, information, resources and employment opportunities.

Aldgate Church of Christ are proud to support Schools Ministry Group - providing direction and pastoral care to students at Heathfield High.  To find out more about the great work they do click here

Soul Journey

We encourage and invite you to continue your own spiritual exploration. We do this through Sunday worship, study groups, 1-on-1 conversations, questioning, serving together, spiritual retreats, local and overseas mission support and other appropriate forums.

While we are all on our “own” soul journey, our experience is that we are both challenged and enriched as we travel together and we willingly commit to journeying with you.

We believe every person is a vital connection in their local community and we aim to support them in their own mission and ministry.


We believe that worship is an act of being present with our Creator God, whenever and wherever we are.

We also meet weekly @10 am Sunday (communal gathering). Our minister Anthony Risson leads us further into our vision “Offering hospitality to craft authentic disciples”. We are challenged to explore what it is to live with authenticity in all areas of our lives. Our children share in age appropriate learning for some of the service. We all participate in the prayers of the church and celebrating with The Lord’s Supper.   

We enjoy morning tea and good conversation after the service and sometimes a shared lunch.

We celebrate with special focus services for Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas.

Study group

Wednesday nights during school terms at The Village Well at 7:30pm. A forum for open, animated discussion of Christian faith. We use a variety of resources to facilitate this time of learning, praying and living well in the Kingdom of God. Suitable for those aged 13 to 93 years young.  A journey through the season of Lent began mid-February.  


We aim to encourage people to use their creativity in offering and receiving hospitality in all its forms. We seek to welcome and offer hospitality to all those who enter The Village Well. This extends from an initial warm welcome, to meeting the physical needs required to facilitate group interactions, to preparing and serving food if required. We strive to work together in healthy relationships (God, neighbor, self) as we serve others. Matthew 22:36-40


Family discipleship group is held monthly over a shared lunch.  We believe that intergenerational interaction is beneficial (and sadly can be lacking) for our society.  It is an opportunity to learn together and do things WITH our children (rather than just FOR them).  


The One50 Dance group uses our facilities each Tuesday after school. Our Café is open to serve drinks and snacks from 4-6pm, and provides a great space for interaction. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t dance!


We support the Churches of Christ welfare ministry – CareWorks - through donations of food, clothing household goods and finance, specific projects and prayer.

Partnership with a church in Bangladesh

We partner with the Bandarban Hill Church of Christ in Bangladesh, by sharing news, encouragement, prayer support and resources.



In 1996 the Stirling and Aldgate Valley Churches of Christ made the decision to amalgamate, sell their existing properties and purchase the original Aldgate Primary School (later the Aldgate TAFE Campus). 

Some years later the lower portions of the property were sold to help finance a building program which was completed in 2009.

Many local community groups make the Village Well their home and spaces are available for hire.

We believe an essential part of developing thriving community is by providing gathering places where our community can grow in heart, mind and spirit.  This was the motivation behind designing the current facilities.  We believe this life is not only about us. Therefore we endeavor to build relationships of meaning with all who come to visit The Village Well.

Our aim is that The Village Well continues to be a place of health and wholeness for our local community.